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Deploying code with SFTP


File & folders that are uploaded via SFTP are not yet automatically committed to Git, so if you want to have these changes versioned, make sure that you add them to your Git repository.

Go to one of your projects and choose the tab of the environment you want to use SFTP with.

Inside the INFO tab, you will find all the information you need to access your application via SFTP.

Enabling SFTP

Simply go to the INFO tab of the environment of your choosing and click ENABLE SFTP.


Next, you will have to activate the public SSH key you added to your Hyperlane account.


That's it!


When changing your Hyperlane account's SSH key, it will have to be activated again.

Connecting with an FTP client

Using your favorite FTP-client, log in with the credentials found in the SFTP Credentials card inside the INFO tab if your chosen environment.

Folder structure

In you preferred FTP client, you will see the following folders:

  • data contains the wp-content/uploads folder of your WordPress installation
  • database contains the MySQL database
  • site contains the WordPress core

Folder contents

The site folder will typically contain the following folders:

  • current the current active code base
  • previous the code base of the previous release, which can be use to rollback
  • build0 contains the initial code base, coming from Git
  • buildxx contains the new release that are deployed from Git

The data folder contains the folders with user generated files like photo uploads of your WordPress installation. For WordPress, the data & wp-content/uploads folder are symlinked and are always identical.

Deploying code

Changes made through SFTP are live immediatly, no need to do anything else.